About Me

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I AM... ...31. ...married to Wade who is a high school Spanish teacher, a pastor, and an auctioneer. Yes, that makes me a preacher's wife, and yes, he can talk fast. :) ...the mother of three little boys, Jackson (6), Parker (5), and Simon (1). ...a student. I decided awhile back that I don't have any interest in returning to Corporate America because it won't allow me to be the momma that I want to be. So I'm going to teach. When I am finished, I'll be certified to teach Middle Grades (5-9) Math. MY FAVORITE THINGS: Dates with Wade, Nike flip flops, Spring, music- singing/playing/listening, thrift stores, little blue cornflowers that grow on the side of the road here, opening the windows to let the breeze in, kissing my baby's little fat feet, red toenail polish, playing chase with Tucker (our English Shepherd), laughing with my boys, and Rocky Road ice cream.

Monday, June 27, 2011


Caillou's song, "I Like Looking at Books" was just playing.  Parker says to himself, "I like looking at books sometimes, but best I like digging and riding bicycles."  Yep, that pretty much sums up Parker.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

I think I Shall Call Them "Chunkheads"

Here's a little back story...  This morning, I didn't go to church.  Simon was up with his gums hurting just about all night long, plus I had a raging sinus headache, complete with dizziness.  I got up, dealt with Simon, took some sinus medicine, and went back to bed.  Fast forward to this evening.  I felt better so we went to my ladies meeting at church and choir practice.  The boys get out of the van.  I see something that looks odd on Parker's head.  There are three chunks taken out of his hair all the way down to the scalp, one of them being right in the smack-dab front of his head.

Me: "Parker, come here.  What happened to your head?"
Parker: "Are you gonna be mad?"
Me: "Well, I'm gonna be a lot madder if you don't tell me what happened right this second."
Parker:  "Jackson did it!"
Jackson (apparently listening in and determining how much trouble he was going to be in): "I did not!  I didn't do Parker's.  I just did m-...." (trailing off and realizing that he just implicated himself in this deal).
Parker: "I cut my hair, and Jackson cut his hair."

Now I look at Jackson who also has some little chunks out of his hair.

Jackson: "I didn't mean to."
Me: "You didn't MEAN to?  How do you cut your hair and not mean to?  You just told me a lie.  If you put the scissors to your hair, did like this (cutting motion), and hair fell down, you meant to cut your hair.  Now, you better tell me the truth."
Jackson: "Okay, I meant to."

Later on I asked them where they cut their hair.  Bathroom?  Their room?  Nope.  It was in the living room.  I can't get these kids to pick up their own feet, much less their toys, and they cleaned up every last smidgen of hair and evidence of their little barbering party.  The ambition of a sneaky child is something to be admired.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Ehrlichiosis: Two Years Later

Two years ago today, Parker was admitted to the hospital with some sort of tickborne illness.  Our wonderful Superdoc thought it was Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and began treating him aggressively.  (Thank goodness!)  Two more days later, Parker's counts were dropping to critical levels, so Superdoc, being the wonderful man he is, called Vanderbilt and said, "Now what?!?"  They said to get him there ASAP, so we went.  Parker and I rode in an ambulance, lights flashing and sirens blaring, to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital.  It was determined that Parker had Ehrlichiosis, a tickborne illness that is a lot like RMSF.  So, long story short, he made it through none the worse for wear.  He has no lasting damage at all.  So today this momma is thankful for her "Middle Little."

But today also I'm thinking about two other mommas.  You see, while Parker was at Vanderbilt, there were two other children there who also had Ehrlichiosis.  They didn't go home.  Two out of three children who were there died.  My baby was the only one who made it.  Now if that doesn't humble you and make you grateful to God, nothing does.

So thank You, God.  Without Your mercy and care, I would be mourning the loss of my precious boy, and instead, I'm relishing in all the sweet and silly things he does.  Help me to be a better mother.  Please draw all my little men close to You, God.  In the name of Jesus our Savior, Amen.

The Queen's Debut!

Well, howdy!  Glad you found my little spot.  :)  Wade suggested that I create a blog to keep up with all the funny things that our little men do in addition to recording any advice I have for mothers of little boys.  So here it is.  I doubt there will be much advice, as I figure out this momma thing day by day, but I can record their funny little activities for posterity.  But ya know what?  Now that I have my laptop handy and am ready to type, they won't do anything and will just sit around like little slugs.  LOL!  Because if you know anything about boys, you know they won't perform on demand and are completely unpredictable!  In addition, this might just serve as sort of a diary and a place to air my feelings about being a stay-at-home-mom.  We'll see.

Oh, I'm calling this blog Queen of This Castle because when people say, "1, 2, THREE!  Three boys!  You sure have your hands full!  Are you going to try for a girl?" I say, "Nope!  I'm the queen of this castle.  I'm not sharing!"

I'm being summoned.  Someone needs the ketchup and someone else needs out of his high chair.  See ya!