About Me

My photo
I AM... ...31. ...married to Wade who is a high school Spanish teacher, a pastor, and an auctioneer. Yes, that makes me a preacher's wife, and yes, he can talk fast. :) ...the mother of three little boys, Jackson (6), Parker (5), and Simon (1). ...a student. I decided awhile back that I don't have any interest in returning to Corporate America because it won't allow me to be the momma that I want to be. So I'm going to teach. When I am finished, I'll be certified to teach Middle Grades (5-9) Math. MY FAVORITE THINGS: Dates with Wade, Nike flip flops, Spring, music- singing/playing/listening, thrift stores, little blue cornflowers that grow on the side of the road here, opening the windows to let the breeze in, kissing my baby's little fat feet, red toenail polish, playing chase with Tucker (our English Shepherd), laughing with my boys, and Rocky Road ice cream.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Burning the Candle at Both Ends (and in the middle too!)

In that About Me... section up there, you can see I'm in school.  Well, right now I'm not just in school, I'm IN. SCHOOL.  I have six hours this MONTH.  Between three children, church, the house, Exceptional Ed 330, Math 205 (Number Theory for Teachers), and all the other stuff I think I have to do, I'm (as they say back home) WHOOPED!  Worn out.  Exhausted.  Overtired.

But you know what?  It's all good.  

No, I'm not getting enough sleep and am living on sugar and caffeine to get through the days.  It's okay though.  When I go to school, I get a few hours of nobody constantly wanting something, no poopy diapers, and nobody screaming, "I'm telling!"  I get to be Valerie and not Momma.  (I had almost forgotten I have an actual name!  LOL!)  But when I get home, I'm glad to be here.  I'm happy to see my little men.  I'm emotionally rejuvenated.  (Physically?  Well, not so much.)  :)

Okay...  so here is what I've missed telling you....

Simon:  His high fever was caused by Roseola.  It's all gone now, and he's none the worse for wear.  He never did get to have an actual birthday party, although we did have cake and ice cream at Wade's parents' house.  His temp was about 103 while he was eating cake.  Poor little fella.

Parker:  He is SO STINKIN' EXCITED about going to preschool this year.

Jackson:  Not as excited about going to first grade, but still ready to go.  The Back to School Bash was this evening, and they both seemed happy about school.  Jackson is concerned about Wade's parents' house having termites.  He said that they might crawl up on the kitchen table and eat Grannyma and Poppa's toothpicks.  :)

As soon as my classes are over (August 11), I'll have more time to blog.  Things happen about every day that I want to put on here, and then I forget them before I have time to log on.  My brain can only hold so much right now.  It HAS to hold school stuff and where Parker's blanket is.  Everything else is negotiable.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Man I wish we lived in the same state! I would love to be able to have a cup, (0r 4!), of coffee with you. I am so with you on living on caffeine. My eyes don't open until I have a cup of coffee in me, lol. And HOW do you find time to study??? Wow! Good for you!

    Isn't it nice to get away for awhile? Ryan just got us a membership at our community center and now I get to go work out every day. By. My. Self. *squeal* It's nice to get out and be a grown up for a while, right?

    Poor Simon. I'm glad he's doing better now. I can't believe Parker is going off to preschool already! And Jackson is so cute with the toothpick comment! Those boys are comic relief for you!
