About Me

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I AM... ...31. ...married to Wade who is a high school Spanish teacher, a pastor, and an auctioneer. Yes, that makes me a preacher's wife, and yes, he can talk fast. :) ...the mother of three little boys, Jackson (6), Parker (5), and Simon (1). ...a student. I decided awhile back that I don't have any interest in returning to Corporate America because it won't allow me to be the momma that I want to be. So I'm going to teach. When I am finished, I'll be certified to teach Middle Grades (5-9) Math. MY FAVORITE THINGS: Dates with Wade, Nike flip flops, Spring, music- singing/playing/listening, thrift stores, little blue cornflowers that grow on the side of the road here, opening the windows to let the breeze in, kissing my baby's little fat feet, red toenail polish, playing chase with Tucker (our English Shepherd), laughing with my boys, and Rocky Road ice cream.

Monday, July 4, 2011

My Bonus Baby is Turning One.

I call Simon my "bonus" baby because I never expected to have him.  After Parker, I was pretty sure I was done with pregnancy even though I really didn't want to be.  My doctors warned me that I shouldn't get pregnant again, so I just planned to do the smart thing and just be happy with my two precious boys.  But you know what?  I just felt like there was somebody missing.  I never felt like our family was complete.  I had baby fever constantly!  So when Parker was 2 1/2, I got pregnant with Simon.  :)  It was another horrible Hyperemesis Gravidarum pregnancy.  I'm so glad I have my sweet little Sijo now though.  He's absolutely precious.

He is getting older, bigger, and is doing more things.  It's so bittersweet.  I'm glad to see my little fellow grow and develop, but he's my last little one.  I just hold him sometimes and think that this baby-ness is all coming to an end soon.  I smell his sweet baby smell and rub my face on his little baby hair and kiss his little fat baby cheeks and feet, and I know that before too long, he's going to be as big as my big guys are now.    Don't get me wrong...  I LOVE my big guys!  It's just that I have been given this gift of this bonus baby, and I don't want it to come to an end.  My arms feel the emptiness that's coming because they've been there before.

But that's just the way things go, right?  Life is ever-changing.  Just when we start to get comfortable, we have to modify our plans, take a deep breath, change direction, and take another step forward.  I know that there will be sweet moments in the future with Simon.  I get that.  It's just that this momma sure will miss those little toothless smiles and starfish hands.

So if you'll excuse me now, I need to go watch my Simon sleep.  I don't want to miss a minute.


  1. <3

    Your men are so blessed to have you as their momma.

    I'm having the same feelings right now. Ry said he really feels this one was our last. I'm okay with it, but it does leave you with a little ache, doesn't it? It's so hard to say goodbye to this stage in life...but when one door closes another opens, right? :)

    I can't believe sweet Simon is going to be a year already!!!

  2. Thank you, Norah! Yes, I think you're right. I'm sure God will provide some sort of other wonderful diversion for us!
