About Me

My photo
I AM... ...31. ...married to Wade who is a high school Spanish teacher, a pastor, and an auctioneer. Yes, that makes me a preacher's wife, and yes, he can talk fast. :) ...the mother of three little boys, Jackson (6), Parker (5), and Simon (1). ...a student. I decided awhile back that I don't have any interest in returning to Corporate America because it won't allow me to be the momma that I want to be. So I'm going to teach. When I am finished, I'll be certified to teach Middle Grades (5-9) Math. MY FAVORITE THINGS: Dates with Wade, Nike flip flops, Spring, music- singing/playing/listening, thrift stores, little blue cornflowers that grow on the side of the road here, opening the windows to let the breeze in, kissing my baby's little fat feet, red toenail polish, playing chase with Tucker (our English Shepherd), laughing with my boys, and Rocky Road ice cream.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Straw that Broke the Momma's Back

(This picture is of an 8-month-old Simon's pitiful face.  I thought it appropriate.)

Too much has been happening to even blog about it all.  I'm running around like a crazy person.  I have to remind myself to breathe at times.

Brief Synopsis...
Too little sleep.  Dropped two classes but still full time.  Sick Jackson.  Sick Parker.  Really sick Simon.  Febrile seizure.  Sick Simon (again).  Fleas in my house refusing to die!  Wade in revival.  School.  Church.  Grandmother passed away; played piano and sang at the funeral.  Trips to Tennessee and back.  Math test.  Papers to write.  Multiple doctor appointments for all three kids.  Back pain.  Headaches.  Sinus crap.  Parker's leg cramps.  Playing piano for another revival.  Simon getting ear tubes.  Exams coming up.  Cleaning house.  Never ending laundry.  Too fat for clothes in my closet so trying to lose weight.

So what was the straw that broke the momma's back you ask?  Tripping and falling in my hallway.  I fell and cried.  And I cried.  And I cried.  I just sat there in my hall and cried until I couldn't cry any more.  Wade thought I was really hurt or something and kept trying to help me up.  Finally I managed to croak, "I don't wanna get up," and then he understood and let me cry without trying to fix it.  I love him.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh Valerie. I wish I had seen this earlier. I looked for your blog a couple of months ago and it said it had been removed??? I just found it again.

    I have so been there hon. I bet you felt a great release afterward. I can't believe how much you have going on! I hope you're feeling better now and hope things have slowed down a bit. I'm praying for you.
